General Guidlines to Parents

General Guidlines to Parents

The School believers in discipline and firmness. Slackness, disobedience and disregard of rules will not be tolerated and any work or action likely to lower the image of the School will be regarded as a breach of the school discipline.

The School reserves the right to expel student whose diligence or progress in studies is considered unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students. Immorality, insubordination or contempt of authority and breaking bounds will be always sufficient reasons for expulsion/restication.

1 . Parents are requested not to enter the classrooms to visit their wards or teachers during school hours without the written permission of the Principal.

2 . Parents must inform the school authority for any change in their address or telephone numbers.

3. Leave for half day should not be asked for, for security reasons . In emergency, written permission must be taken from the Principal and the class teacher and the bus in charge should be informed accordingly, if he/she is availing bus facility, The child will be allowed to go home only with the parents/guardians.

4 . Parents should sign the progress report and return to the school within three days. If the report card is lost, a replacement will be made only after payment of Rs. 50 /-

5 . The Name, Class, Section and house of the Student Should be clearly marked on their belongings.

6. The student must come in proper School Uniform failing which proper punishment will be imposed.

7. Attention of parents is drawn to the fact that the criticism of the teacher or School in the presence of the children should be scrupulously avoided because it causes them to lose respect for their teachers with the consequent failure to learn from them. It further retards his/her progress.

8. If there will be any legitimate complaint, please meet the responsible authority at ones or write in a separate letter addressed to the authority. They will look in to these matters personally.

9. It is not advisable to give the children valuable articles like expensive watches, fountain pens, walkman, calculators, jewellery, etc. to bring to school. In case of any loss of valuables or other articles, the school authorities will try their best to trace but shall not undertake any responsibility for the loss.

10. Parents are requested to co- operate with the school in its attempt to help their children’s progress by paying attention to their regularity, punctuality and discipline and by taking interest in their project work and revision of the portion. They should check the Almanac every day and note the instruction mentioned. In case of small children, the parents are advised to check the bag of their daily to see if any notice or invitation has been issued.